
@NY Day28-30 | Snowing!!

29/10/2011, it snowed. 10/29に雪が降りました。 It was said that the snowing in NY in October was the first time in 59 years. NYで10月に雪がふるのは59年ぶりだとか。 It started snowing from noon to almost all day, and was freaking cold outsi…

@NY Day26-27 | 5POINTZ

Finally I could come to this fantastic place!! (ついにこのヤバい所に来ることができました!!)This is "5POINTZ", famous for HIPHOP cultural art place. (ここは5POINTZという場所で、HIPHOPのアートの聖地です) We call these kinds of art "gra…

@NY Day25 | Happy birthday to my friend!! (10/25/11 EDT)

It was my friend's birthday. (友人が誕生日を迎えました) He is the collegue I came to NY with and helps me a lot in this NY life. (彼は一緒にNYに来た同期で、日々すごくお世話になっています) We are three coming to NY as trainees, so we meet e…

@NY Day23-24 | Ready for winter? (10/24/11 EDT)

It's getting cold outside in NY. (ニューヨークはだんだんと寒くなってきました) Everyone says that the winter in NY is freaking cold. (周りが言うには、ニューヨークの冬はまじで寒いらしいです) What I need is a thick wind-breaking outer, a …

@NY Day 21-22 | English Lesson (10/22/11 EDT)

I had a trial lesson at Berlitz. (ベルリッツで体験レッスンを受けてきました) As I tried both group lesson and private lesson, the private lesson was awesome! (グループとマンツーと両方受けましたが、やはりマンツーマンがよかったです!)Firs…

@NY Day 10-20 | Quite hard to keep writing!! (10/20/11 EDT)

I've got two problem to keep writing on this blog. (このブログを続けるのに2つ問題が出てきました)1. There's not enough time to write a English diary. (1.英語で書くのに時間がかかること) 2. There's not enough chance to upload my diary. (…

@NY Day 9 | Apartment has decided!!

I signed up the leasing contract of my apartment. (アパートのレンタル契約をしてきました) Compared to Japanese one, there are so many differences!! (日本と比べるとアメリカの契約は全然違ってびっくり) I will tell you some of them. (いくつか思…

@NY Day 7-8 | Lost Internet... Pt.1

This time, it hasn't been my fault!! (今回は僕のせいではないんです!) The Wi-Fi connection of my short-stay apartment had been down. (短期アパートのWi-Fiが切れてしまって、) Therefore, I could not even get my Gmail. (Gmailの受信すらできなか…

@NY Day6 | Easier to get friend with

Last night, I and my trainee friend went drinking with our colligue after work. (夕べはトレーニーの友達と一緒に、同僚と飲みにいきました) The restaurant we went was Japanese Izakaya which he often goes. (行ったのは彼の行きつけの日本の居酒屋…

@NY Day3-5 | Mikka-bose

I regret so strong for not uploading my sweet blog for THREE days!! (3日間も、この超大事なブログを更新しなかったことを後悔しています。。。) I have to swear that I will do what I decide for the first time, and start again. (初志貫徹する…

@NY Day2 | Looking for my living.

For the 2nd day, I couldn't write my blog during the night :P (2日目にして夜の間にブログが書けませんでしたw) So I'm writing this 3rd day morning! (なので3日目朝にこの記事を書いてますー。) 2nd day is the day for setting up my living. (…

@NY Day1 | NY is such a great city!!

On October 1st, I came to NY for business. (10月1日、仕事でNYに転勤してきました。)Therefore, I changed my blog title a little bit, and I'm going to write my NY days down here. (なのでブログのタイトルもちょこっと変えて、NYの日々を書いて…