

久々に日本語でブログアップしまーす! 今日はBECの試験を受けてきました。 受かっているかわからないけど、来月悲しい気持ちで見直す時に英語じゃ読む気なくすので、わかりやすーく日本語で書きます(^^)他の受験者のヒトのブログを読んでいると、具体的な出…

How to study BEC?

One week left to the BEC exam!! Here I show all my activities for BEC.What I did for BEC was... 1. Watched the whole Abitus course DVDs. 2. Organized the review notes. 3. Done MC 2 times on the web. 4. Done AICPA Released Questions 2012-20…

BEC AICPA Released Questions

Regarding BEC studying, the exam day is coming even hurricane Sandy disturbed me of studying. So I'm trying to do my best whenever and wherever available, whatever happening.Below is my score of AICPA Released Questions for the past 5 year…

Hurricane Sandy

It's getting chilly here in NYC, my 2nd winter is almost there. Since 3 days ago, we've got such a scary hurricane here in the east coast. The damage is so severe that the economy in nyc has almost stopped.One faculty in 14th St and 2nd Av…


It's been a while again since last time I updated this blog... Back again, I decided to spend a little more time to update this blog. Why? Because I read and got motivated by the blog which one lady was keeping during her taking exams. ま…


Since I left my blog behind for long, I really didn't realize this. I got 10K visitors here!! Yayyyy!!ずっとブログほったらかしにしてたので気づかなかったけど、気づいたら10,000人もアクセス来てたよー! すごっ!Oh my goodness... I've never tol…


It's been a long while since last time I updated my blog. How have you been everyone?? Hope y'all doing great. I'm doing super great. 最後にブログアップしてからずいぶんお久しぶりになりましたー。 皆さんお元気ですか?? お元気でしょう。 僕は…


1. Read this first.2. Look at this picture. Conclusion: I totally agree with you.

Mexican Pyramid @Teotihuacan

While we were in Mexico, we visited a world heritage place, Teotihuacan. メキシコにいる間に世界遺産のテオティワカン遺跡にいってきましたー。 Look at this beautiful pyramid!! 見て、この超綺麗なピラミッド! The weather was so nice, the sunshi…


On this weekend, I had 3 day holidays. So I was supposed to go to Mexico with my friends. この週末は3連休。 なので友達とメキシコに行く予定でしたー。 I joined after my friends booked their flight, therefore I booked my flight separately. 友…

Valentine's Day

As you can guess, the Valentine's day in NY is different from one in Tokyo. 皆さんご存知の通り、NYのバレンタインは東京のものとは一味違うよ! This is an annual event in Times Square. For American people, this day means expressing love. It's…

First Shakespeare

I went to see a shakespeare play, which was Henry V. シェイクスピアのヘンリ5世を見に行って来たよ。 It was not that bad, but it was hard for me to understand what the actors and actresses were saying. 劇はそんなに悪くなかったんだけど、なに…

Tipping... any thoughts?

For most japanese people, tipping is an unfamiliar custom. Guess many of you have experienced that you are in trouble with the amount of tips. 日本人にとって、チップってあんま馴染みないよね。 いくらが適切なのかわかんなくて困ったことはみん…

Finished a course!

My last class at Kaplan was over. Kaplanでの最後のクラスが終わった。I really really appreciated that I could go to this school and join our class. I met lots of good men and hung out with them all the time. Without them, my life here would…

Cheap Bustard

What a crappy name is this!! I really couldn't help buying this. なんていい加減な名前なんでしょ! これは買わずにはいられなったよー。 When it comes to a taste.... 肝心のお味はと言うと。。。It tastes like such a cheap bustard lol!! I promise…

MTA became ecological!?

These days, MTA, the subway company in NYC, announced that they enabled us to refill a monthly pass. (MTA is like Tokyo Metro in Japan.) 最近、ニューヨークの地下鉄会社であるMTAが一ヶ月定期のチャージ開始を発表しました (MTAは日本でいう東京メ…


Though the Chinese new year's day was a week ago, they had a Chinese new year parade on this weekend. 中国の新年は先週終わったけど、この週末は新年パレードがあったよー! I could see lots of people in a traditional Chinese clothes singing an…

Too Smart Google

OMG, I just typed the words "attached is". I actually mentioned about the file which was attached in the previous message. But I never ever want to attach any file at this time. How kind and generous Google is!! これはやばい! ただ「添付は…

A train ticket in Canada

When I think of a train ticket, it's supposed to be made of paper. 電車のチケットと言えば、普通紙だよねBut here in Canada, things are different. でもカナダでは、ちょっと違うThis is a train ticket!! Sweet!! When I saw this, I thought that t…

Niagara Falls!!!

What a magnificent view of Niagara falls!!! やっばい景色っ!! It was a soooooo beautiful real natural art. I would have regretted my whole life without seeing this world famous heritage. それはそれはもう超綺麗な自然界の芸術 もしこの世界で…

Niagara theme park

Niagara is not only the place for falls. They have lots more to check out!! ナイアガラって滝だけの街じゃないよ もっと他にもみるとこあった! This is almost like a theme park. They have a ferris wheel, a dolphin swimming, Guiness world recor…


Finally it snowed in NYC!! The winter has come. NYCでもついに雪が降りました! 冬がついにやってきましたね On this snowing winter day, I will go to the Niagara falls from Toronto. The flight has been delayed for 30min but it still on duty. S…


When it comes to an American cliche, the most famous thing is MEAT!!! アメリカならではのものと言えば、何より有名なのは肉!! Look at this beautiful round shape. Woooowwww! この美しい丸みを帯びた形状を見て うぃ〜d( ̄  ̄)Moreover, this big f…

Enjoying winter

In the Meatpacking district, I found the 4th iceskating link. ミートパッキングで4番目のスケートリンクを見つけた The most famous three are the Rockefeller's one, Bryant park's one and Central park's one. 有名なのはロックフェラーとブライアン…

Late New Year's Greeting

Happy new years, everyone!! Hope y'all had great holidays. 皆さん明けましておめでとうございます。 楽しい年越しはできましたか?? The first new year in NY was awesome! I spent whole night with my precious friends from all over the world. NY…