@NY Day23-24 | Ready for winter? (10/24/11 EDT)

It's getting cold outside in NY.

Everyone says that the winter in NY is freaking cold.
What I need is a thick wind-breaking outer, a knit cap covering ears and warm glove.
They say these equipments are necessary to get along with NY's winter.

Honestly, I can't imagine how hard it is, but the latitude of NY is the same as that of Sapporo.
It means... it's freaking out.

To prepare to the winter, I will get the outer jacket at Moncler.
Speaking of clothes, there are so many things different from those in Japan.

For example, the size is the most specific one.
When I was in Tokyo, normally I took size M.
On the other hand, here in NY, there is no choice but S or XS!!
At first I was so surprised that there was such a big difference.

Another example is the price.
As to Moncler, it costs about 100,000Yen in Tokyo, but it costs only 80,000Yen in NY.
20% difference is very decisive reason to pay.

The last thing I care is the big sale held just before the Thanksgiving.
The more expensive thing it is, the lower price I want to take at.