@NY Day 21-22 | English Lesson (10/22/11 EDT)

I had a trial lesson at Berlitz.
As I tried both group lesson and private lesson, the private lesson was awesome!

First of all, I read aloud one-and-half pages of English sentence, which is quite long for me.
Second of all, the instructor tried to figure out if I understood the meaning of each word by getting me to make a full sentence.
Third of all, trying to make me ask her a question using the unknown words.

It was quite hard to make a sentence with my unfamiliar word.
But actually, it will help me a lot.
It would be so difficult to "study" English in NY, because English is not the purpose but the tool.
That means we don't have to use sentences with a correct grammar.

I'm a kind of person who is used to speaking, but don't care much about the detail.
Of course I should be care about the correct grammar, so this is a very good chance to
improve my English skill.

On the other hand, I'm wondering if I go to another school which is Kaplan.
The system is totally different, compared to the private lesson of Berlitz, I will take a class lesson in Kaplan.
The good point is that I can make foreign friends easily.
The bad point is that I won't improve my English skill as much as Berlitz.

I have to decide which to go in several days.
Friends or skill.
The difficult choice.